Root full spectrum softgels - A great alternative

I would by no means call myself a clumsy person. However, from time to time, I somehow manage to spill, drop, and break things. My experiences with Root CBD oil are case in point. From stray oil drops landing on my new crisp, clean, white linens to accidentally dropping an entire bottle of Root on my wife’s favorite rug, I have had more than a few Root tragedies. My Rootcidents are only a few of the reasons why I take Root full spectrum softgels. Our full spectrum softgels not only help me avoid accidental spillage, but also help me achieve the optimal amount of CBD. The softgels act more as an extended release compared to the oil taken sublingually which makes them perfect for the morning and daytime usage.

Now, I for one love the flavor of our oil. The earthy, dark and dank natural flavor of Root’s CBD oil, please give me more! Unfortunately, everyone’s tastes are different and some people do not care for the flavor of Root’s oil. Believe it or not, there’s instances of customers admitting Root helps them but decline to take our oil due to the taste! Talk about some interesting flavor preferences. We won’t call out those who dislike Root’s taste, just know we’re listening.

Instead of being disheartened at this flavor setback, we saw opportunity. Why not give those with unique taste receptors an option they can swallow. Literally! Thanks to Root’s full spectrum softgels not only can you avoid the flavor our oil, but you still receive the benefits of the full spectrum CBD with no aftertaste. It’s a win-win.

The reason for Root's flavor

Now you may be asking yourself, why does Root’s oil taste so earthy anyway? To answer this let us dive into the components that make up Root’s full spectrum oil. Terpenes are what give Root’s oil its flavor and smell. Terpenes are aromatic compounds that create the characteristic scent of many plants. Terpenes also play a role in the health and survival of the plants in which they exist. I’ll save you from me going too in depth about terpenes but here's a fun fact: Root’s oil contains 16 unique terpenes! These terpenes have been found to contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic, gastroprotective, and antispasmodic properties. Simply put, Root's flavor goes beyond simply being how our oil tastes. The earthy, natural flavor you taste is in fact helping make the CBD more effective.

CBD isn't the only cannabinoid found in Root

Root contains other cannabinoids in addition to CBD. These cannabinoids, along with CBD and terpenes, work together synergistically to form what is called the entourage effect. Like with any great team, the sum is greater than the individual parts and Root is no different. 

Just so you're aware, here's a breakdown of some of the additional cannabinoids found in Root:

CBC (Cannabichromene) - anti-inflammatory, pain reliever

CBG (Cannabigerol) - anti-fungal, muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory

CBN (Cannabinol) - anti-convulsant, anti-inflammatory

Delta 9 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) - pain desensitizer, anti-inflammatory, mood regulator (always less than .3%!)

Root is special

We often hear, “wow I’ve tried other brands, but I never knew CBD really worked until I tried Root”. Well, now you know why. These compounds work together to make Root more beneficial and effective than a more diluted, artificially flavored oil. The components that give Root its trademark flavor is what sets Root apart from other CBD oils.

For those of you who are not fans of Root’s flavor, we heard you! We capsulized our full spectrum oil in easy to take, no fuss softgels so you can avoid tasting the oil without losing the benefits. Plus, if you’re like me, you can avoid any more Rootcidents.

Have a great day and always remember to Enjoy Root.

- Aaron